Q&A with Rob Watts, Chord Electronics, at CanJam 2023 Singapore

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What To Know

  • Scientist, engineer, digital designer all rolled into one, Rob is the powerhouse living encyclopedia if you are interested in all things audio.
  • Ian managed to get a quick chat with Rob on his views on how to succeed, where the industry is heading, and what he does to leap ahead for so long.

Our correspondent Ian met up with Robert Watts, or Rob, the affable British gentleman of Chord Electronics fame, at CanJam 2023 in Singapore. Rob is no strange to audiophiles. Scientist, engineer, digital designer all rolled into one, Rob is the powerhouse living encyclopedia if you are interested in all things audio. Ian managed to get a quick chat with Rob on his views on how to succeed, where the industry is heading, and what he does to leap ahead for so long.

Watch this exclusive interview.