Keeper races ahead with its Risk Management Dashboard

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What To Know

  • By providing detailed security event views, Keeper’s Advanced Reporting and Alerts Module (ARAM) enhances the dashboard with an overview of key security alerts, frequency of happenings, unique user actions, and thirty-day trends.
  • This innovation underscores our commitment to delivering state-of-the-art security solutions that are both technically robust and user-centric to address the evolving needs of our customers,” said Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-founder, Keeper Security.

One of the fastest-growing technology vendors of user credential management and enterprise privileged access management (PAM), Keeper Security, recently launched its Risk Management Dashboard. Read more below.

SydneyKeeper Security, the zero-trust and zero-knowledge cybersecurity software vendor, launched its Risk Management Dashboard to safeguard passwords, passkeys, privileged access, secrets, and remote connections. This new feature in the Keeper Admin Console gives administrators extensive visibility into their organization’s security and compliance posture, driving efficient cybersecurity management.

The Risk Management Dashboard calculates a risk score based on end-user vault deployment, password management tool use, and multi-factor authentication. The dashboard automatically adjusts to Single Sign-On (SSO) environments to manage risk in varied security landscapes.

Security benchmarks on the dashboard

Keeper’s Risk Management Dashboard uses dynamic Keeper Security Benchmarks in a fast-changing security environment. Updating these benchmarks to match current security standards helps organizations implement least privilege and maintain top-tier security. Administrators get simple ways to solve security vulnerabilities and secure credentials.

By providing detailed security event views, Keeper’s Advanced Reporting and Alerts Module (ARAM) enhances the dashboard with an overview of key security alerts, frequency of happenings, unique user actions, and thirty-day trends. This degree of granularity helps administrators understand credential security and potential threats, enabling them to proactively resolve flaws and strengthen security.

“Our new Risk Management Dashboard represents a significant leap forward in how organisations can manage and visualise their security posture. By integrating dynamic benchmarks and real-time risk assessments, we provide administrators with the critical insights and actionable recommendations they need to proactively mitigate security threats and ensure compliance. This innovation underscores our commitment to delivering state-of-the-art security solutions that are both technically robust and user-centric to address the evolving needs of our customers,” said Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-founder, Keeper Security.

Customer feedback matters

Voice of Customer (VoC) feedback has led several Risk Management Dashboard improvements. This commitment to listening and responding to customer demands keeps Keeper providing actionable intelligence and a positive user experience.

