Month: November 2023

Danish vendor Universal Robots adds UR30 cobot to range

Danish collaborative robot (cobot) maker Universal Robots adds a 30 kg payload cobot, UR30, to its product portfolio. Read more below. (aka is a content outreach and amplification platform for news, events, brief product and service reviews, commentaries, and analyses in the relevant industries. Part of McGallen & Bolden Group initiative. Copyrights belong […]

New Synopsys Research Shows Software Vulnerabilities have decreased 14%

Synopsys Software Integrity Group released its 2023 Software Vulnerability Snapshot Report, showing a 14% drop in target application vulnerabilities from 97% in 2020 to 83% in 2022. Read more below. (aka is a content outreach and amplification platform for news, events, brief product and service reviews, commentaries, and analyses in the relevant industries. […]

McGallenFL350 – episode 20231108

In this episode, we talk about using the REAP method to learn faster and better, getting a decent smartphone for less than 150 USD, and how Huawei became a contender for AI chips. (aka is a content outreach and amplification platform for news, events, brief product and service reviews, commentaries, and analyses in […]

Fancy your own voice clone in different languages?

Imagine speaking many different languages right now, without putting in any lengthy learning. And now, there is just such a technology in AI, from Verbalate™. (aka is a content outreach and amplification platform for news, events, brief product and service reviews, commentaries, and analyses in the relevant industries. Part of McGallen & Bolden […]

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