Author: Editor

New tool to help developers find and fix security weaknesses in proprietary code and open source dependencies

Editor’s Brief: When it comes to open source software (OSS), many developers know that the abundance of such code can dramatically shorten their developmental curve. Many enterprises embed OSS into their applications for a faster go-to-market. But what are the pitfalls? At the same time, proprietary code can be ridden with vulnerabilities, as code complexity […]

Bitkom Open-Source Monitor 2019 discusses OSS adoption in Germany and risks

Editor’s Brief: Open Source Software (OSS) is a godsend when you need capabilities at a sustainable budget. Increasingly, companies large and small are turning to OSS for digitalization and computing, and reducing their IT expenditure tremendously. However, as with all good things, there must be some risks involved. What are these risks? Bitkom, together with […]

Can a lightbulb be hacked?

Editor’s Brief: As homes become smarter with IoT, home automation, wireless and wired networking, these become new and emerging attack surfaces hackers can exploit. Even a lightbulb seems to be able to be hacked, as Check Point Research showed. Read more below. (aka is a content outreach and amplification platform for news, events, […]

Check Point’s new Global Partner Program to help channel partners grow together fast

Editor’s Brief: Cybersecurity stalwart Check Point Software is not a newcomer to forming industry alliances since its early days. It launched its new Global Partner Program to nurture and grow the cybersecurity industry through its channel partners. The Program was developed in consultation with many of its partners. Read more below. (aka is […]

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