Category: News

Education and Cybersecurity Talents – The Check Point SecureAcademy and Milestones

Editor’s brief: With cybersecurity becoming the forerunner in the infocomm space, eclipsing traditional enterprise networking and telecoms, there is a need to nurture and develop next-generation talents to gear up for this space. Check Point Software is a cybersecurity leader that has a well-developed educational program known as SecureAcademy, which has become the 100th academic […]

New tool to help developers find and fix security weaknesses in proprietary code and open source dependencies

Editor’s Brief: When it comes to open source software (OSS), many developers know that the abundance of such code can dramatically shorten their developmental curve. Many enterprises embed OSS into their applications for a faster go-to-market. But what are the pitfalls? At the same time, proprietary code can be ridden with vulnerabilities, as code complexity […]

Bitkom Open-Source Monitor 2019 discusses OSS adoption in Germany and risks

Editor’s Brief: Open Source Software (OSS) is a godsend when you need capabilities at a sustainable budget. Increasingly, companies large and small are turning to OSS for digitalization and computing, and reducing their IT expenditure tremendously. However, as with all good things, there must be some risks involved. What are these risks? Bitkom, together with […]

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